Created by: Adam Rychlik - Wytwórnia Projektów Wartościowych ,
The benefits of personal training include:
a training plan tailored to the needs and capabilities of a specific client
directing activities to a specific goal (e.g. losing weight, building a desired body-shape, getting rid of pain, correcting posture)
attention to individual preferences, interests and personality features
constant care for the exercise correctness
flexibility, variety, lack of monotony
saving time (the trainer's attention focused on one trainee, optimal use of training time for specified aims, matching hours of exercise to the client’s daily schedule)
contact with the trainer (Internet, telephone)
Frequently chosen types of training:
keeping fit and healthy
improving motoric capabilities
fitness and shaping
A training session lasts 1 hour.
- Szkoła Podstawowa im. św. Franciszka, ul.Teresińska 9, Warszawa
- Centrum Edukacji i Zabawy "Karuzella", ul. Szulborska 3/5 lok.U-1, Warszawa
- Szkoła Podstawowej nr 402, ul. Jana Nowaka Jeziorańskiego 22, Warszawa
- Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 388 (judo hall),ul.Deotymy 25/33
More information about training for children:
It is also possible to meet at the place agreed with the client. The regular price of training session increases by the cost of travel in such case (about PLN 20).